FUNH 6770 - Professional Development for Function Hub

  Section Instructor No. of Students Date Time Venue Remarks
T01CHU, Xiakun
GUO, Yixin
JI, Qixing
LIU, Zhen
QIU, Huihe
WENG, Lutao
WU, Jiaying
XU, Jiang
YU, Liuqian
ZHENG, Junyu
ZI, Yunlong
124---No Final Exam

SEEN 5150 - Kinetic Energy Harvesting and Conversion

  Section Instructor No. of Students Date Time Venue Remarks
L01ZI, Yunlong8---No Final Exam
  Amendments made since the announcement of the Final Examination Schedule on 07-Nov-2024, if any, are indicated by #